Kingston’s independent bookstore

156 Princess Street | Kingston, Ontario
613-546-9799 |

Store Hours
Monday-Friday 930AM-9PM
Saturday 930AM-6PM
Sunday 1030AM-5PM

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We sell new fiction & non-fiction books, including hard-to-find titles by local authors. We also offer calendars, agendas & day planners, greeting cards & postcards, journals & paper products, and magazines & literary periodicals. Not in stock? We’re always happy to place special orders for our customers.


Store owner Oscar Malan modelling the official Novel Idea T-shirt featuring our store motto: “Quid, Me Anxiari?”

Top 10 Reasons to Shop Local

  1. Money spent stays with local businesses stays in the community.
  2. Small businesses create more new jobs.
  3. Local businesses give the community its unique character.
  4. Small business owners invest more in the community.
  5. Local merchants provide better customer service.
  6. Small businesses increase competition and provide more choices-especially Canadian choices.
  7. Locally owned businesses leave a smaller carbon footprint.
  8. Locally owned businesses use relatively fewer public services and less infrastructure.
  9. Entrepreneurs and young leaders settle in communities that support local businesses.
  10. Small businesses give more of their proceeds to local charities.


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